23 Jul 2006

So much to tell. I can’t do so concisely enough here for it to be effective. Authentic and honest prayer from the Psalms, studying God’s nature and being, getting utterly confused about it all but ending up less confused than when I turned up at the start of the week, awesome fellowship + making awesome new friends, great singing/band, apparently-typical “camp high” feeling (though I’m usually fairly ‘immune’ to such things, shrug), challenges to so much stuff about how I’m living/thinking/being/relating/going.
Oh and lighting sucked because 1) I’m not really that good at lighting design at the best of times, 2) All I had to work with were six Par 64′s, an equivalent number of 56′s, and the same number again of even smaller fixtures, and 3) I’m glad I didn’t have a multimeter because I don’t want to know what kind of voltage fluctuation we must have been getting in that building. The desk was playing funny but I’m convinced that’s at least in part (definitely not all) because of power variation and the way digital measurements are taken from the sliding pots (i.e. transistor voltage range tolerance might be okay, and is still reading correctly the voltage drop across the channel which is of course fluctuating with the power into the desk). You’d think they’d have some kind of filtering in the console, but whatever. Could be wrong about all of this.
That said, people could be seen and at no stage did I “plunge everyone into darkness” ;-) So all is well! Well, it would have been without any mention of lighting whatsoever, but hey. I might want to look over this post for next year to recall my impressions of the site, or something, so this record will be potentially useful for that.
21 Jul 2006
For now, I will revel in youthful energy and apply that as keenly as I will; my reminiscences will be accentuated by such things, perhaps, but it is such a short while and there is always the possibility I will not remember that anyway, not realise what has been lost. And even so, it will not matter, for my tiredness will be a fortuitous declaration of what had gone before. Now, you see, the challenge is to earn that tiredness [of decay alone, not what follows death] such that the pattern may be established, strengthened, and developed keenly to some none-too-distant point whereupon rest will be forthcoming (though even there, ‘rest’ shall not denote an absence of activity!)
So much will fade before we are bright again; but we may still burn inwardly. Let not the light be hidden.
15 Jul 2006
Wrangling markup with the best of them, yet again. At least this time I had the (table) framework there from last semester.
My Uni timetable
HSTY1031 Lecture Weeks 1-13 Quad Gen Lecture Th N205
EDUF1019 Tutorial Weeks 2-13 Education Seminar Rm 530
EDUF1019 Lecture 1 Weeks 1-10 Bosch Lecture Theatre 4
EDUF1019 Lecture 2 Weeks 1-10 Bosch Lecture Theatre 4
ENGL10052 Lecture Weeks 1-13 Eastern Avenue Auditorium
HSTY1031 Tutorial Weeks 2-13 Education Seminar Rm 524
ENGL1015 Lecture Weeks 1-13 Eastern Avenue Auditorium
ENGL1015 Lecture Weeks 1-13 Eastern Avenue Auditorium
EDUF1019 Computers in Education Weeks 1-11 Education Computer Lb 229
ENGL10052 Seminar Weeks 2-13 Woolley Tut Rm N384
ENGL1015 Tutorial Weeks 2-13 Woolley Tut Rm N384
I think there are 12 hours all up. I’m thinking I’ll probably work Thursday and Friday afternoons if the courses I’ve chosen don’t change again (i.e., I don’t change them) before uni starts Monday week.
15 Jul 2006
Well the girls were having some ridiculously girly movie night (a Suddenly 30 sleepover — aka 13 going on 30 in most other regions, for some reason the Australian release got a different name), so we decided to go one better.

Only ended up watching two movies but both were absolute quality… the first (Army of Darkness) because of mediocre (but not outright bad, and not pretentious at all) production values/ridiculous/fun plot, and the second (Commando) because of Arnie and associated explosions, gratuitous violence, barely-remembered-one-liners (it was noted his name is always John, presumably because, being monosyllabic, he will at least remember to answer to it), etc. Good times had by all.
15 Jul 2006
It strikes me that the marks must have been horribly scaled, much of the rest of the cohort have intellects that could be best applied removing gum from carpets, or I am, in fact, a borderline genius and simply chose not to take advantage of this until in the exam room (which, it is worth noting, I turned two minutes late for, had a nose-bleed in, and left early having exhausted my knowledge of the subject some time previously). Or, alternative, the subject is a wank and it wouldn’t have mattered what I wrote.
Sure, 71 isn’t anything special, but I fail to see how I attained a mark that high! W00t.